Core Subjects
Maths, English and Science
GCSEs in Maths, English Language and BTEC Science are open to students who have the ability to complete a full course at the required level and whose attendance and attitude supports learning at this level.
Students who are unable to meet the standards required to complete full GCSE courses in these subjects can achieve accreditation through Functional Skills external exams at Level 1 (equivalent GCSE level D-G) and Level 2 (equivalent GCSE level A*-C) or through Entry Level Certificates at a level below GCSE. All these qualifications are recognised by colleges.
Personal & Social Education
All students follow this course which covers important topics including career planning, applying for college, personal safety, drugs education, healthy lifestyles, sex & relationship education and personal finance. The sessions are often discussion-based and encourage students to explore their emotional health and aspirations. Students can gain a short Award or a longer Certificate at either Entry Level or at the higher Level 1 (equivalent GCSE level D-G) and Level 2 (equivalent GCSE level A*-C).
ASDAN Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards
The ASDAN Awards are portfolio-based and recognise achievement across the curriculum areas, allowing the students to develop knowledge and skills through project work and practical activities. Topics covered include World of Work, Health, Expressive Arts, Information and Number Handling, Life Skills, The Environment, Technology, Beliefs and Values, Citizenship and Sport. The activities within this award also allow students to broaden their knowledge and understanding of cultural, political, historical and geographical issues.
Physical Education, Fitness and Emotional Wellbeing
A weekly sports and wellbeing programme provides the opportunity for students to take part in a range of off-site traditional sports as well as other physical activities such as mountain biking, dog-walking and horse riding. During these sessions, students are encouraged to develop strategies to deal with relevant personal issues, such as managing anger, developing effective communication skills, working as a team and forming positive relationships. Students are also given the opportunity to complete an Entry Level Certificate or GCSE in Physical Education.
Optional Elements
The following subjects are offered as options alongside the core subjects and are open to students who have the time, ability and commitment to complete the courses:
English Literature – GCSE
ICT – Functional Skills at Entry Level or Level 1 and 2
Business Studies – GCSE Short Course
Travel & Tourism – BTEC Level 1 Certificate
Health & Social Care – BTEC Level 1 Certificate
Art & Design – Entry Level Certificate or GCSE
Physical Education – Entry Level Certificate
Horticulture BTEC – BTEC Level 2 Certificate
Food Studies & Catering – Entry Level Certificate or GCSE
Celebrating our Successes
The end of the course and the end of the students’ secondary school education is marked with a Leavers’ Ceremony. Parents, friends, supporters and staff are invited to attend to celebrate as students receive their certificates and special awards and to view pieces of work and photos of activities and achievements. This is a chance for all students to experience and celebrate achievement.